Detecting Category and Tag Pages in Woocommerce

The Problem

When adding functionality to a WooCommerce store we sometimes want to add features that should only be present on category or tag pages. In this article, we’ll take a look at how we can detect category and tag pages in our WooCommerce code.

The Solution

This code will detect if the user is on a category page

//returns true if the current page is a category page

//returns true if the current page is the category page specified in the passed argument

//returns true if the current page is any of the category pages specified
//in the passed array
is_product_category(array('shirts', 'games' ));

//also works with numerical ids

The code for detecting a tag page is very similar

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//returns true if the current page is a category page

//returns true if the current page is the tag page specified in the passed argument

//returns true if the current page is any of the tag pages specified
//in the passed array
is_product_tag(array('jigsaws', 'toys' ));

//also works with numerical ids


There’s not really an awful lot more to say about this as the code itself is pretty self-explanatory. If you do have any questions then please don’t hesitate to let us know in the comments.

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